Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Make joseph Kony famous!

Maybe this is the answer. This is how humans stop war and oppression! Through communication. By joining Tri and making Joseph Kony famous. The first step towards a more evolved society!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pardon my incoherent rant

I recently read a book about the sex lives of the Roman emperors. It detailed thier perversions, which i realy dont have a problem with haha, but it also talked a lot about thier violent and sadistic behavior. I of course realize those were different times, but what a bunch of sociopaths! . These guys were monsters!
This seems to be a common theme in history, those in power having no regard for the lives of others. Is Oppression just part of the human condition. If we are so smart (not that u could tell from my writing skills) why have we been unable to prevent the rise of megalo maniacs to power. when sociopaths Come to power why aren't we able as race to get rid of them when we see who they are? Why are we so willing to follow crazy people?
One crazy person by himself can only do so much, he has to have followers to do real damage, but that doesn't seem to be too large an obstacle, there always seems to be plenty of people happy to follow along. I would like to edit this and say more but I'm running out of Internet .(traveling) more later...

Dry spells

Being a merchant seaman I often can't post anything for days at a time while I'm between ports. Please be patient and keep checking back and I'll post when I can.

Obi wan says" this not the tent your looking for"