Friday, February 24, 2012

Hi. My name is Brian, welcome to my blog!
I would like to use this forum to share my thoughts about life and stuff. Also about my upcoming thru hike of the Oregon section of the PCT and the planning/equipping stage which is going on now. This is my first blog and will probably grow with me as I learn more about it and practice sharing. I really hope you enjoy it.

about my PCT plans:
I'm overweight, out of shape and forty eight! So I'm not doing the whole pct, and I don't feel bad about it. I'm doing good just doing the or. Section. The or. Section is about 450 miles and since I'm only planning on doing 15 miles a day, it should take about a month. I have been backpacking since my early twenties so I have plenty of experience, but I've never done a trip like this, so long and with resupply points.
I'm currently doing several things to prepare: I'm doing long hikes with lots of grade and am going to increase the distance and frequency as I go along. I'm also improving my gear with an eye towards lowering my pack weight. Thirdly I'm studying the trail and guides to learn more about it.
In my next post maybe I'll talk about some of the gear I'll be using.

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